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Prospective Students 


The ELC center accepts children from the age of 6 weeks through Pre-Kindergarten.

The Early Learning Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national, or ethnic origin, handicapping condition, or ancestry or whether the child is being breastfed.

Application and Admissions Policy

Wait List Applications can be submitted in person to the Early Learning Center office, or emailed to Please note: there is a $50 non-refundable application fee. 


The order of acceptance for the Early Learning Center is as follows:


  1. A child presently enrolled* at the Early Learning Center.

  2. A child of a parent who is a member of the ELC full-time staff or First United Methodist Church full-time staff. (At the discretion of the Director, every attempt will be made to accommodate the child of an ELC staff member).

  3. The sibling of a child enrolled* at the Early Learning Center whose parents are active members** of First United Methodist Church for at least one full year. Kindergarten students will be considered current siblings for the upcoming Fall term enrollment decisions, only.

  4. The sibling of a child enrolled* at the Early Learning Center whose parents are not church members. Kindergarten students will be considered current siblings for the upcoming Fall term enrollment decisions, only.

  5. A child whose parents are active members** of the First United Methodist Church.

  6. Sibling Alumni- A sibling of a child who was formerly enrolled at ELC in the last 10 years, with active FUMC members having priority over non-church members.

  7. A child whose parents are FUMC members but who have not yet met the definition of “active” church member and non-church members, with FUMC members having priority over non-church members.

* “Enrolled” is defined as a child who is participating in the program, including paying the weekly tuition for childcare. Families with children currently enrolled maintain sibling status as long as they have a child at ELC who is currently enrolled and who has been accepted for enrollment for the upcoming school term. If a family chooses to remove their currently enrolled child from ELC and enroll them into another program, your youngest or unborn child on the waiting list is then no longer eligible for sibling status. Your family will be considered “alumni." 


** “Active” is defined as a member of the FUMC congregation who faithfully participates in its ministries through prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness, including but not limited to attending worship and/or Sunday school or participating in other disciple-making ministries for at least 75% of the time allotted for their activities and making contributions in a regular manner according to financial ability. A FUMC member must be an active member for 1 year.

930 North Boulevard 
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
225.383.4045 fax
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